Friday, September 25, 2009


Oops, this is the photo that didn't make it to the blog for some reason. Cut out 2 skirts today, went to Weight Watcher's (why??) then to church to decorate, didn't have camera with so don't have photos yet.....then out to the Ben Franklin's in Iowa City with a girl-friend and then dinner rather late, at a Mexican much for any weight loss!
I made this really neat skirt, cut on the bias, from a Great Copy pattern. Just have to put together a little jacket from the pattern. I will get photos up soon. Funny how I forget about that important part of my life. Hubby is at a men's retreat through tomorrow afternoon. I am taking a class at a new stamp/scrapbook place in town tomorrow afternoon and I will do photos of my creation....
all from the bush
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1 comment:

  1. HI BBF!!!
    How was the class and what did you make?? I'm going to send you and ATC card tomorrow and that is going to count as my "card"...cheating a little!!
    Mom is doing great :)
    It's been raining the last 2 days and my energy level is low...perfect sleeping weather.
    Take you!
    Deb :)
