Thursday, January 6, 2011

Snow and Christmas tree

Hello again. I don't blog for days and then twice in a row! How is that? Well, I thought I would post a pic of the day after the snow storm . This happened during Christmas, it was snowing hard when I brought Hubby home from the hospital. The roads were bad and parking lots were awful. Next is one of the ways I decoate my tree. You take those lovely picks that Michael's or Hobby Lobby has and just put them into the branches of the tree. Lovely! I have 2 Christmas catus plants. One is very old and original to me. The other I inherited from my sweet mother some years ago. For a while that catcus would NOT bloom. I told it that it had better bloom or it was to the trash pile! Well, it bloomed. Both plants actuallt bloomed for Christmas this year. Amazing. One is still in bloom, the other decided not to bother. Maybe it will after a while......
All from the bush
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Winter decorations

Here are 3 of the arrangements that I have picted up over the last few years. The one on top of the mirror, which is a very old mirror by the way, I got at a small but charming floral shop in a very small town west of where I live. Actually, I think the arrangement over the painting of Bete Degris is also from that shop. It is Victor, IA. If you blink on your way to Des Moines on Highway 80, you will totally miss the turn off. The bottom arrangement I have had for a number of years and use it every Christmas/winter season.
My husband had surgery 2 days before Christmas. He had his tonsils out and some other throat work done. He spent one night in the hospital and I stayed with him that night. He has done well in his recovery and has been at work this week. Have not done much in the way of sewing, but I did cut out somethings--does that count? I have to make up a couple of bags for the grands and will post them when I get them done. I will also get some photos up of "before" and "after" of our kitchen cabinets. Took off the gold and put on some dull finish knobs and handles. This a cheap (well, sorta) way of remodeling a kitchen. Hopefully there will be a before and after of the sink and faucet....all in due time, as the man of the house recovers and has time!
All from the bush
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