Thursday, January 6, 2011

Snow and Christmas tree

Hello again. I don't blog for days and then twice in a row! How is that? Well, I thought I would post a pic of the day after the snow storm . This happened during Christmas, it was snowing hard when I brought Hubby home from the hospital. The roads were bad and parking lots were awful. Next is one of the ways I decoate my tree. You take those lovely picks that Michael's or Hobby Lobby has and just put them into the branches of the tree. Lovely! I have 2 Christmas catus plants. One is very old and original to me. The other I inherited from my sweet mother some years ago. For a while that catcus would NOT bloom. I told it that it had better bloom or it was to the trash pile! Well, it bloomed. Both plants actuallt bloomed for Christmas this year. Amazing. One is still in bloom, the other decided not to bother. Maybe it will after a while......
All from the bush
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1 comment:

  1. Hey BFF!!!
    I almost missed your new posts!!! Love the snow's so pretty.
    Thank You!!! The package arrived and so enjoy my new treasures! The arpon is my fav!!! the candy is all gone...oops, didn't last long! Thanks too for the envelopes and sticker for K!
    Glad to hear the surgery went well with hubby!
