I got this wash stand a couple of years ago. It was the right price and the right amount of
peeling paint and sticky drawer and loose boards on the bottom shelf. You know, cool old
stuff! BFA says I need to add more of this type of information about my house in my blogs.
So, this is for her. This is the official plant stand. I have these plants. Several of them. This is
only one of the plant stands.
it was on! Broke in several places, but it is ok. One of the Christmas cactus plants came from my
mother's house, after we had to put her in the home. This is suppose to be funny, as she always said that. At any rate, it didn't bloom for the longest time. Then one day I told it it had to go out in the compost if it didn't bloom! Well, I guess it didn't want to end up there as it bloomed that year and every year since. The plant in the forground is actually hubby's. It has to go to work with him sometime. He left one job and got another....at his age! What was he thinking?? He travels a lot with this new job. One of these days the dining room with get painted a really bright color, or the master bedroom will get a facelift. Actually, that room has all of the old really ugly rose wallpaper removed. Now, I really like wall paper, and if this room's wallpaper had been cute rather than dated ('80's!), it would have stayed. Choosing a color for a room with pale peach carpet is a challenge. Especially since I want sage-y green and Hubby wants pale cream! Arg! And he will never know. Took down some old wall border in the dining room. Took me some time as I am vertically challenged. I took it down in stages: first the north wall (figured he wouldn't notice) then the west wall, then the south and east at the same time. He still hasn't noticed! And that has been over a year ago! Ah engineers. Ya gotta love 'em.
Spring is around the corner...tomorrow, asctually. Found a great new church and am really enjoying the preaching. The main pastor is, as he puts it, just one of the elders. How humble is that. He is a true man of God. He loves the people and has a heart for God. And hope springs eternal, right?
All I can think of is : Marvelous grace of our loving Lord. Grace that exceeds our sin and our guilt. What a great song. Hope you find it in the hymnal and read the words. Grace. What a charming sound.
All from the bush