Here are a couple of pics of our trip to the Netherlands this summer.
Hubby and I and the MFA. We took the long route! However, it was an adventure. We spent some time with Hubby's relatives and then on to Amsterdam (pronounced; Ahhmsterdhum). The countryside is really beautiful. If you think the prairie states are flat, well, you have not been to Holland. We also went across the main dike that holds the Sea from getting into the country. We spent a couple of days with MFA before the trip and then got to visit with the grandchildren a short time before taking us to the Atlanta airport. We went over on the Polish air lines and spent a few hours in the Fredrick Chopin airport. The guards carry their uzzies and look really mean! I ended up getting the x-ray treatment in New Jersey! Not once--but 2 times! I was hot and tired and positively broken down by that time. Was not happy, but didn't say what I really wanted to say for FEAR! In this land of FREEDOM?? There is NO freedom at the airports!
I have been sewing up a storm. I need to take pictures of the projects and the kit I got recently. Hey, that is for the next blog.
All from the bush